Views and Positions

The Master Mariners of Canada commitment to our three pillars of awareness, education and advocacy is achieved in part through the work of the Views and Positions Committee.

This standing Committee addresses issues impacting our members specifically and all seafarers generally.

Using modern collaboration tools for non-co-located teams, the committee with Pan-Canadian representation is tasked with discussing these issues internally and developing views relevant to the issues.

These views are then developed into national positions which are released to the public on our website and through other social media streams. Further, we communicate those views to the Canadian Marine Advisory Committee. And, we often address the issues in direct correspondence to the Minister of Transport, Transport Canada Marine Safety and other government departments.

The work of the committee is ongoing with views currently being discussed on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships and other issues.

Most recently the committee developed positions on the impact that COVID19 pandemic is having on seafarers both domestically and globally and the current and anticipated shortage of Canadian seafarers

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